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  • Why constitutional commentators need to know Latin

    Why constitutional commentators need to know Latin0

    • June 29, 2018

    The lack of a Latin requirement . . . has encouraged people to become constitutional commentators who are more interested in advancing political agendas than sound constitutional law.

  • Embracing Foreign Languages0

    • October 31, 2014

    Republican Congressman Mike Coffman and his Democratic opponent Andrew Romanoff held a public debate yesterday—all in Spanish. It was billed as the first non-English candidate debate in Colorado state history. Well, maybe not. Hispanics settled Colorado long before Anglos did. When I was practicing law in Denver in the 1970s and 1980s (before embarking on

  • The Constitution on Latin TV (And by “Latin,” we don’t mean Latin American)0

    • September 12, 2014

    Institute Research Director Dave Kopel has long urged me to do a broadcast production on the Constitution in the Latin language, and now it’s here! Produced by II web monkey Justin Longo, the program features an interview of me by my daughter Sarah on the American Founding and the nature of the Constitution. Sarah, 23,

  • The American Founders: Latin Lovers0

    • March 20, 2014

    Take out a dollar bill and look on the back. There you will see the two sides of the Great Seal of the United States. Look at the left hand side—the circle with the pyramid. Above the pyramid is a representation of the Eye of Providence—of God. Above the eye is the phrase, Annuit coeptis.